SpeedBuild USA
Coach Earl Downing
We make Athletes Faster
Three stages to success!
Speed & Strength
Competition & Recovery
Love for Speed Build USA
Something something or nothing nothing
“Earl has a passion for teaching and inspiring. His biggest strength is his ability to motivate others – whether it’s other coaches, runners, throwers, jumpers, vaulters, or hurdlers.”
“The best thing about Earl is how passionate he is about track. Earl got to practice every day with a huge smile, ready to help the whole team improve.”
“He made me believe I could achieve the goals we set together, he created a plan to help me reach my goal, and he celebrated with me when I achieved my goals.”
“He was some of my inspiration because he is always very positive and optimistic about everything. He always wanted me to improve no matter what and that helped my attitude. … Every time I said, ‘I hope I can do that,’ he said, ‘No, you can do that.’” – David Namath, 2011
Track and Field Events
(Should prob get some better photos for these)
100m, 200m, 400m
Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump
100mh, 300/400mh
4x100m relay, 4x400m relay
All Athletes Need Speed!
Athletes who play lacrosse, football, soccer, gymnastics, basketball, and more benefit from Coach Earl’s speed and strength training!